Tuesday, 2 October 2007


It's about time for an update, no? I need new baju melayus, and with less than a fortnight to Raya I doubt I'll find a tailor. A maroon one would be nice.

What else is new? I wrenched my back out yesterday, and I've been walking in pain.

Over the weekend, I had a tummy-ache, a proper one.

I'm definitely allergic to seafood, I had butter prawn for sungkai yesterday and my hands are slightly inflamed. Is it possible to muster up an allergy? I'm quite sure I wasn't when I was a kid.

I got interviewed. *COUGH* =p

Oh, the person who won the quiz below is youngbruneian who got almost half of the letters. Well done, tunggu sampai nada.

Time for sahur.


Yes, Facebook is awesome. *COUGH*


Blogger Ummu Ummati said...

what's ganken?

2 October 2007 at 23:05  
Blogger r&al said...

whats a ganken to you? =p

3 October 2007 at 02:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww you are missing out on alot of yummy seafood! :P

3 October 2007 at 12:36  
Blogger Ummu Ummati said...

chet. Orang tanya kedia, ia tah tanya orang balik =P

Sha, more crabs masak tomato for us. NYUMMEH!

3 October 2007 at 14:12  
Blogger War186 said...

Banar eh steady Scrabulous anak ani eh! Hehe. :P

Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin btw. =)

13 October 2007 at 13:20  

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